Storytime Go To Songs

Here are some songs and activities that are perfect for getting the wiggles out. These songs are guaranteed to get the kids moving and engaged. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and will be added to the list!

Shake Your Shakers (Tune: London Bridge) (using egg shakers)

Source: Jbrary

Shake your shakers in the air (shake shakers high)

Shake it here, shake it there (shake shakers to the side)

Shake your shakers in the air (shake shakers high)

Shake your shakers.

Shake it high and shake it low (shake high, shake low)

Shake it yes, shake it no (shake up and down, shake side to side)

Shake it high and shake it low (shake high,shake low)

Shake your shakers

Shake it up and shake it down (shake high, shake low)

Shake your shaker on the ground (shake on ground)

Shake it up and shake it down (shake high, shake low)

Shake your shakers

Shake it near and shake it far (shake and extend arm, shake and bring close)

Drive your shaker like a car (make driving/steering wheel motion)

Shake it near and shake it far (shake and extend, shake close)

Shake your shaker

Shake it fast and shake it slow (shake quickly, shake slowly)

Shake it stop, shake it go (stop shaking, start shaking)

Shake it fast and shake it slow (shake quickly, shake slowly)

Shake your shaker

Roly Poly (Tune: Where is Thumbkin)

Souce: Jbrary

Roly poly, roly poly (roll arms)

Up, up, up (raise arms)

up, up, up

Roly roly poly (roll arms)

roly roly poly

down, down, down (bring arms down)

down, down, down

Roly poly, roly poly (roll arms)

out, out, out (extend arms to the side)

out, out, out

Roly roly poly (roll arms)

roly roly poly

in, in, in (bring arms in)

in, in, in

Roly poly, roly poly (roll arms)

fast, fast, fast (roll quickly)

fast, fast, fast

Roly roly poly (roll arms)

roly roly poly

slow, slow, slow (roll slowly)

Shake My Sillies Out by Raffi

Jumping and Counting by Jim Gill

The Hokey Pokey

You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out

You put your right hand in and you shake it all about

You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around

That’s what its all about

…left hand

…right foot

…left foot

…whole self

Tommy Thumbs Up

Tommy thumbs up (raise thumbs up)

And Tommy thumbs down (raise thumbs down)

Tommy thumbs dancing all around the town (move arms side to side)

Dance them on your shoulders (tap them on shoulders)

Dance them on your head (tap them on head)

Dance them on your knees (tap them on knees)

And tuck them into bed (say quietly, tuck thumps into fist)

(repeat while jumping)

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes (place hands on each body part)

Knees and toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes

(repeat going faster and then slower)

If You’re Happy and You Know It

Animal Action by Greg & Steve

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