Storytime: Astronauts

Opening Song
Let’s All Clap
Let’s all clap cause (name) is here, (name) is here, (name) is here
Let’s all clap cause (name) is here, (name) is here today YAY!


Astronaut PiggyWiggy by Christyan and Diane Fox

Related Song/Rhyme
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom we’re going to the moon (slide hands)
Zoom, zoom, zoom, we’re going to the moon
If you’d like to take a trip, climb aboard my rocket ship (walk fingers up arm)
Zoom, zoom, zoom, we’re going to the moon
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF (raise arms)
Source: Jbrary

Body Recognition
This is Big, Big, Big
This is big, big, big (arms out to side)
This is small, small, small (arms in)
This is short, short, short (hands near ground)
This is tall, tall, tall (raise hands)
This is fast, fast, fast (roll arms quickly)
This is slow, slow, slow (roll arms slowly)
This is yes, yes, yes (nod head yes)
This is no, no, no (nod head no)
Source: Mel’s Desk


I Want to Be an Astronaut by Byron Barton

I’m personally not the biggest fan of this book, or any Byron Barton book for that matter (I know, how dare I) but I decided to give it a shot. The children were fascinated by this book, they all came extra close to me to stare at the pictures. This is a book that I would refer to as “Storytime Magic,”  one of those special books that instantly grabs children’s attention and they can’t look away from.

Stand and Stretch
Bend and Stretch
Bend and stretch, reach for the stars (arms up)
There goes Jupiter, here comes Mars (move arms side to side)
Bend and stretch, reach for the sky
Stand on tip-toes, oh so high! (stand on toes)
Source: Storytime Katie

Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat gently down the river
If you see a polar bear, don’t forget to shiver

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile, don’t forget to scream!

Early Literacy Tip
We will repeat several songs and rhymes every week, not only does this help give your child a sense of structure and routine but repetition also helps children learn new things. Repetition helps them improve speed, increases their confidence and strengthens the connections in their brain that help them learn.

Related Rhyme/Movement
If You’re Going to the Moon (Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)
I prompted the child to give me the different articles astronauts wear
If you’re going to the moon wear your suit
If you’re going to the moon and you want to get there soon
If you’re going to the moon wear your suit
…wear your boots
…wear your helmet
…wear your gloves
Source: Mel’s Desk

Nursery Rhyme
Hey Diddle Diddle (with scarves)
Hey diddle, diddle (wave scarf)
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon (bring scarf over head)
The little dog laughed to see such a sight
And the dish ran away with the spoon (hide scarf behind back)

Music CD
Rocketship Run by Laurie Berkner Band

We used ribbon wands to dance around to this song. The children had a lot of fun jumping, dancing and counting down. I had a lot of fun too… except for the fact that the song was stuck in my head for the rest of the day! It is so catchy.


Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! I’m Off to the Moon! by Dan Yaccarino

Flannel Board
Four Little Stars

IMG_6494Four little stars winking at me (have the children try and wink)
One shot off and then there were three
Three little stars with nothing to do
One shot off and then there were two
Two litlte stars afraid of the sun
One shot off and then there was one
One little star alone is no fun
It shot off and then there were none

Colored Stars
I had enough different colored stars for each child to have one, I would sing the song and have them place the star on the board when their color was called. All of the children at this program were new and now used to waiting to put it on the board. Their initial reaction before I gave any instructions was to put it on the board, when they did that I asked them their color and handed it back. After a week or two they will start to learn to wait their turn. This is a great activity for color recognition and waiting.

IMG_6495If you have a (color) star, a (color) star, a (color) star
If you have a (color) star, bring it to the board




Final Thoughts:
This was my first “twos only” program at my new job. I decided to start a storytime for age group because even though I had dictated ages for all of the children’s programs I was still receiving an overwhelming number of two year olds. My hope is that all of those two year olds will come to this special program designed just for them. I was happy to have received  4 children and I hope they will become regular little library patrons.

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