Tag Archives: mobile

Make Your Own Flannel Board

Want to turn a box into a portable flannel board?? It’s as easy as 1-2-3!


If you’re anything like me (and most Children’s Librarians) your often out of the department. Being a librarian in a public library no longer means sitting at a desk all day, a large part of being a librarian today is about going into the community. I’ve done a variety of outreach – set up a table with library information at different events, speak about early literacy to parents and my favorite, storytime. When doing a storytime at a daycare or school I have to travel light, I would love to bring all of my egg shakers and scarves but it’s just not feasible. One item I do really miss when performing outreach is my flannel board. My flannel board is near and dear to my heart but I would never want to lug around the big flannel board easel the library owns. I decided to fix this problem and created a very easy mobile flannel board.


All you need is a box, scissors, a ruler, stapler and large piece of felt. I measured the box and cut the felt a few inches larger than the box. Then I stapled the felt to the box, making sure the felt was tight. TA DA! That’s all it took to create a nice, small, portable flannel board. Perfect for outreach story times or programs where you don’t have the space to set up a big flannel board easel.

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Filed under Storytime